The GROW programme is financed by the Welsh Government, through the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and supports individuals who graduated during the Covid-19 pandemic, to access work experience to help the transition into employment in a more competitive job environment.Thanks for expressing an interest in the GROW programme. Please provide your contact details below and complete the registration form to help inform us how we could support you.All personal data provided on this form will be handled in accordance with Data Protection principles. The information you provide will only be used to facilitate us contacting you regarding the GROW programme and will not be used for any other purpose. It will be shared with a limited number of organisations such as the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) in line with statutory reporting requirements. By submitting this form, you agree to the processing of your data for the purposes outlined above.All information will be stored securely by the Open University in Wales and will only be accessed by a limited number of staff in the University. For full details of how The Open University in Wales will use your personal information, and your rights please see below the Open University's Employability, Internship and Work Placement Scheme.
Are you a Welsh speaker? Yes No
Are you an Open University in Wales graduate or are you expected to graduate in 2022? Yes No
In order for you to receive support from this HEFCW funded programme, we are required to collect this information from you. For more information on how we will store your personal information please see link below for the open University's Employability, Internship and Work Placement Scheme.
Open University Employability, Internship and Work Placement Scheme
Do you have a disability? Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you have a work-limiting health condition? Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you have a mental health or physical health condition? Yes No Prefer not to say
Are you estranged from your family? Yes No Prefer not to say
Are you care experienced? Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you have caring responsibilities? Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you have migrant status? Yes No Prefer not to say
Do you live in a low Higher Education participation neighbourhood? Yes No Prefer not to say
You can search to find out if you live in a low HE participation area on the link below:
Office for Students search by postcode
Are you from a low income family? Yes No Prefer not to say
Individuals are defined as living on a low income if their net household income is below 60% of the median income of the UK population. The median weekly household income in the UK is £476 after housing costs, and 60% of this is around £286.
Are you the first in your family to attend university? Yes No Prefer not to say
Are you a veteran? Yes No Prefer not to say
Are you from a traveller community? Yes No Prefer not to say
Which group best describes your ethnic or cultural background? White - British White - English White - Irish White- Scottish White - Welsh Irish traveller Gypsy or traveller Other white background Black or Black British - Caribbean Black or Black British - African Other Black background Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian background Mixed - White and Black Caribbean Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Asian Other mixed background Arab Other ethnic background Prefer not to say
What type of support would you want from the GROW programme/Open University in Wales? Please choose up to 3 of the following:
Which of the following statements best describes your current occupational status? Please select one response: In full-time work* In part-time work* In self-employment (full or part-time)* Doing unpaid voluntary work Looking after home/family Retired from paid work Unable to work due to long-term sickness or disability Unemployed Not in employment for another reason
*If employed, do you feel you are underemployed i.e., not doing a job related to your skills or the qualifications you have gained? Yes No
Where did you hear about the GROW programme? Direct mail Newsletter Website Other OU Adviser Word of mouth Other